Preventing Hair Loss: Drugs, Foods, and Supplements

Preventing Hair Loss: Drugs, Foods, and Supplements

Recording Available

By age 50, about half of all men and women will experience hair loss. The majority of age-related hair loss is genetic, but even identical twins can have dramatically different heads of hair depending on their diet and lifestyle. Join me for this live, hour-long webinar where I’ll cover the nutrient deficiencies that can increase your risk of hair loss and the drugs, dietary supplements, and foods that can promote hair growth.

The videos will soon be available for free on, but if you don’t want to wait to get answers to your burning questions, join me for this live presentation and Q&A session.

Are Potassium Salt Substitutes Safe and Effective?

Recording Available

Fewer than 1 in 5,000 Americans meet the federal recommendations to get enough potassium and not too much sodium. So, what about using potassium-based salt substitutes? Instead of sodium chloride—better known as salt—why not shake on some potassium chloride?

That seems like it’s a little too good to be true. The same salty taste while you’re reducing sodium and increasing potassium? What’s the catch? Are potassium-based salt substitutes even safe? What about effective?

I cover all of that in this one-hour webinar. I hope you can join me.

Are White Potatoes Bad for You?

Are White Potatoes Bad for You?

Recording Available

Greater potato consumption is associated with a greater risk of coming down with type 2 diabetes, but of the hundred or so pounds of potatoes Americans eat every year, most are in the deep-fried form of French fries and potato chips. But even baked, boiled, or mashed potatoes seem to carry a small increased risk even after taking all the butter and sour cream into account. The reason that potato consumption may just have a neutral impact on mortality risk (as opposed to other whole plant foods–beans, nuts, vegetables, and fruits–that are linked to a longer life) is that all the fiber and vitamin C and potassium in white potatoes might be counterbalanced by the detrimental effects of their high glycemic index. By chilling and reheating potatoes, and adding vinegar or lemon juice you can dramatically lower the glycemic impact. I’ll also cover the best kinds of potatoes, address concerns about toxic glycoalkaloid compounds in the peel, and answer any questions you may have in this 1-hour live webinar on September 17th.

Should We Be Concerned About Mycotoxins in Our Diet?

Should We Be Concerned About Mycotoxins in Our Diet?

Recording Available

Last Day to Register: July 14th, 2021

Mycotoxins—fungal toxins found in moldy food—are one of the few dietary contaminants suspected to have a higher presence in plant-based diets, though in some population studies 100% of blood samples turn up positive. Are there some foods we should try to avoid to decrease our exposure, such as oat-based breakfast cereals for ochratoxin or dried figs for aflatoxin? Dr. Greger takes a deep dive into everything you ever wanted to know about mycotoxins but were afraid to ask in this 1-hour webinar and live Q&A.

How Much Meat Should We Eat?

How Much Meat Should We Eat

Recording Available

In late 2019 a series of reviews were published in the Annals of Internal Medicine that concluded the same thing that past reviews have concluded: reduced meat intake is associated with a decreased risk for premature death, cardiometabolic disease, and mortality, meaning the risk of getting and dying of diseases like heart disease and type 2 diabetes, as well as the risk of getting cancer and dying from cancer. Therefore, they concluded that people should keep eating red and processed meat. Wait, what?! Yeah, premature death, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, but keep eating your burgers and bacon. How were they able to pull that off? In this live two-hour webinar I’ll explore how Big Meat and Big Sugar have followed in the footsteps of Big Tobacco to warp the scientific literature. I’ll also explain how much meat is expected to shorten your life expectancy compared to other lifestyle behaviors such as smoking.

SIBO and Leaky Gut: What the Science Says

Recording Available

Gastrointestinal symptoms like abdominal pain and bloating account for millions of doctor visits every year. One of the conditions that may be considered for such a nonspecific presentation of symptoms is SIBO, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, a concept that has gained popularity on the internet. Is SIBO a real disorder? Are the breath tests that used to diagnose it bogus? Is the problem not so much overgrowth, but dysbiosis, the growth of the wrong bacteria? In that case, should you eat a low-FODMAP diet or a high fiber diet? Another purported intestinal disorder that’s shrouded in controversy is leaky gut. I’ll cover what exactly intestinal permeability is, what it isn’t, how to prevent it and how you can heal it with diet.

The Best Diet for Optimal Thyroid Function

The Best Diet for Optimal Thyroid Function

Recording Available

One of the most common questions I’m asked is for a natural treatment for Hashimoto’s disease, also known as autoimmune thyroiditis, the leading cause of hypothyroidism. And I’m excited to say I found one! I’ll be covering the best diet for both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, as well as the healthiest natural source of iodine I recommend.

All of these videos will be eventually up on over the next year but you can see them all and get your questions answered by joining me at 3 pm ET on March 5th for this one-hour live webinar event.

The Role of Diet in Racial Health Disparities

The Role of Diet in Racial Health Disparities

Recording Available

With death rates as much as 6 times higher in Black America than white America,  COVID-19 pointed a glaring spotlight at racial health disparities in the United States. In my upcoming hour-long live webinar I’ll address the question of why Black Americans live sicker and die younger than their white counterparts way before the pandemic started. Even with the same education and socioeconomic resources, Black Americans suffer disproportionately from chronic disease.

What role may dietary patterns be playing and what happens when you feed people soul food that’s good for the soul and put plant-based diets to the test?

How Effective Are Statins and Stents

How Effective Are Statins and Stents?

Recording Available

Outside of an emergency setting, there appear to be zero benefits to angioplasty and stents. Stents don’t prevent heart attacks, they don’t extend your life, and based on sham “placebo” surgery trials where they cut into you but don’t actually place a stent, they don’t even help with symptoms! But wait, that would mean hundreds of thousands of people are exposed to the risks of these operations for nothing? How do the doctors justify it? How do they get patients to sign up for it? And wait, why doesn’t it work if in fact, you’re opening up a blocked artery? These are some of the questions I’m going to be addressing in my live 2.5-hour webinar on October 14th at 3pm ET.

Plant-Based and Cultivated Meat

The Human Health Implications of Plant-Based and Cultivated Meat for Pandemic Prevention and Climate Mitigation

Recording Available

In Dr. Greger’s new book How to Survive a Pandemic and our last COVID-19 Webinar, he marveled at the constellation of new consumer choices in the dairy and meat aisle helping to innovate us out of our precarious situation with regards to the pandemic threats posed by animal agriculture. Plant-based meats, milks, and egg products—as well as even more pioneering approaches involving cellular agriculture—could also offer enormous benefits for the climate crisis. But what are the nutritional and personal human health effects of eating products like Beyond Meat and the Impossible Burger, or even actual animal products are grown without the animals?

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