Why are eggs bad for you & why should you not eat them?

eggs and breast cancer


Freedom of Information Act documents reveal that the U.S. Department of Agriculture warned the egg industry that saying eggs are nutritious or safe may violate rules against false and misleading advertising.


Why Should You Not Eat Eggs?


Cholesterol and Heart Disease

A single egg has 207 milligrams of cholesterol on average. After a meal that includes eggs, triglycerides and blood cholesterol shoots up. It’s no wonder the Dietary Guidelines of Americans mirrors the National Academies of Science recommendation to consume as little cholesterol as possible. Check out my video Does Cholesterol Size Matter?, which covers the effects of eggs on LDL cholesterol.


Eating just a single egg a week appeared to increase the odds of diabetes by 76%. Two eggs a week appeared to double the odds, and just a single egg a day tripled the odds. Once we then have diabetes, eggs may hasten our death. Eating one egg a day or more appears to shorten anyone’s lifespan, but may double the all-cause mortality for those with diabetes. Learn more in my video Eggs & Diabetes.


Egg consumption has been associated with some cancers, including that of the prostate, bladder, and breast. Eggs are high in choline. Choline is converted in the gut into trimethylamine, which, after being oxidized by our liver, may promote inflammation and result in cancer progression. I have a video that explains How Our Gut Bacteria Can Use Eggs to Accelerate Cancer.

Food Poisoning

In 2010 more than half a billion eggs were recalled due to Salmonella outbreaks. Salmonella may survive scrambled, over-easy, and sunny-side-up cooking methods, as well as in cooked omelets and french toast, and perhaps even in eggs boiled up to eight minutes.


To learn more about the effects of egg consumption on your health, visit our topic page, which covers a broad range of the latest evidence-based research.

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